Let's get you up and running

Updated by Keri Alker

Welcome Back!

The first thing on your home screen when you log in is a yellow sticky note. It's our way of highlighting the important information needed to get you started in the right direction.

After you register with Matchwell....

Add your Discipline

  • Setting your discipline enables us to match you with positions where you are clinically qualified.

Add a Resume ➡️

  • Your resume tells us more about you and grabs the attention of our partners that we submit your application to.

Add a Skill ➡️

  • Adding your skills helps us find and recommend relevant matches based on your experience.

Apply to an Opening ➡️

  • Once you've done the work of adding your discipline, resume and experience, check out the openings we've found for you! Apply to any of those to get started and let's get you to work.

As you check these items off the list you will see the items crossed off. Once the sticky note is complete it will no longer be displayed on the home screen.

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