Completing your I-9 through Ascen

Updated by Rebecca Patterson

To complete your I-9 through Ascen please follow the steps below:

Type in your Last and First Name in the User Info box, the click "OK.'

The employee information screen should be filled out automatically. However, please double check that the information is correct. If it is, click "Next."

Avoid clicking "Check box to show Preparer / Translator section," unless a preparer or translator has assisted you with the I-9.

Choose the appropriate citizenship status:

Upload the appropriate documents, either one List A document, or a combination of a List B and List C document.

For the full list of acceptable documents, click here.

Upload a List A document if you have a passport, green card, or any other List A document.


Upload a combination of List B and List C documents if you have a driver's license and social security card, or any other List B and C documents.

Answer the security question and click "sign."

Section 2 of your I-9 will need to be filled out by your authorized representative. If this field is blank, please add the contact info of someone over the age of 18 whom you trust with your personal data. This person could be a friend, neighbor, family member, colleague, or anyone over the age of 18 with whom you trust your data. This person will receive an email and text invite to complete section 2 of the I-9.

If this field is already filled out, please wait for the designated authorized representative to complete section 2. It's a good idea to let them know to expect the email and text for your I-9:

Have any I-9 questions? Reach out to and they'll be happy to help!
Have additional questions?

Reach out to Matchwell Support via the in-app chat or by email at and we'll be happy to help!

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