Timesheet Approval Process

Updated by Maggie Crouse

Timesheets are due no later than Monday for the previous week's work, so they can be sent to the facility for approval in a timely manner.

Matchwell recommends entering your timesheets immediately after finishing a shift to give the facility ample time to approve them by payday!

To view your submitted timesheets that are pending facility approval, navigate to the Timesheets tab from the top menu, then you can either scroll down to the Timesheets Pending Approval section, or click the linked number in "You Have # Timesheets Pending Approval" to jump right to that information.

Why Haven't My Timesheets been Approved?

Not every facility approves timesheets on the same cadence. You may notice that some timesheets are approved the day they are entered, while others are approved later in the week. The Matchwell payroll team sends reminders multiple times per week as the payroll processing deadline approaches to make sure timesheets are approved on time. If your timesheet is pending approval and the payroll deadline is nearing, we recommend that you send the facility a direct message through the platform to help ensure you're paid on time.

You may always contact payroll@wematchwell.com with any questions you may have regarding the timesheet approval process!

Have any other questions?

Reach out to Matchwell Support via the in-app chat or by email at support@wematchwell.com and we'll be happy to help!

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