Shift Cancellations

Updated by Maggie Crouse

No one likes cancellations, but we understand they happen.

To help navigate cancellations, we have a few housekeeping rules so everyone is on the same page.

Facility Cancellation Policy

For an overview of our inconvenience pay policy, click here

Our partners can cancel up to 4 hours before the start time of any shift.

If a facility cancels and assignment within that 4 hour window, the clinicians will receive 4 hours of inconvenience pay.

Healthcare Professional Cancellation Practices

If you need to call off or cancel your shift, we recommend you follow these steps:

  1. Withdraw from the shift from the Matchwell app, by clicking on the shift from your home screen and clicking the withdraw button. This will notify the facility via email.
    1. If you are cancelling within 72 hours of your shift, you MUST call the facility directly.
  2. Message the facility from the Matchwell app messaging tab, and mark your message as URGENT so the facility is notified right away.

We want you to think of yourself as an extension of the team and ensure you don't jeopardize your relationship with the facility due to a miscommunication. Not following these steps could impact future chances of being selected for requested shifts.

The facility users can leave comments and rate you on your attendance, reliability, attitude, performance, communication, and professionalism, so please over communicate if you cannot make your shifts.

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