Rounding out your profile

Updated by Rebecca Patterson

The more information you add to your Matchwell profile, the more likely we can match you with one of our clients.

Adding Skills

Adding your skills allows us to match you with specialized positions you are qualified for. Your skills are selected during the registration process, but you can always make changes or additions to your skills selection from your Profile. Choose Profile from the Main Menu and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Storing your Documents

Matchwell can store all of your license, certificate, health record, and employment documents in one place and share them with the facilities you are interested in. Matchwell also helps you keep track of your expiration dates so you can continue picking up shifts without worrying about a lapse in coverage, or work!

Click Profile from the Main Menu, and use the Quick Add button to select from the options available. You can also add your documents using the Add option in each category.

Have any questions?

Reach out to Matchwell Support via the in-app chat or by email at and we'll be happy to help!

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